Monday, April 28, 2014

Final trip back to San Diego before we leave for the Philippines

April 28, 2014

Yesterday was a wonderful day.  We are in Ramona, CA for the Priesthood ordination of our Grandson Logan Tyler Weber, son of our oldest son Mark.  He is really an exceptional young man and we are very pleased with him.  Mark's oldest daughter Hayley spoke at Sacrament Meeting because it was Seminary Sacrament Meeting and she was chosen to represent the girls in the Freshman Class.  She did a marvelous job and expressed her feelings about attending Seminary.  She said that going to Seminary makes the rest of her day go better and she has been happier since she started Seminary.  She said her mother had even noticed and difference in her attitude since she began going to Seminary.  She brought tears to my eyes.  In the evening we went do the Santee Stake Center to be set apart as missionaries to the Philippines. Santee Stake President Randy Schimpf set us apart.  Our very good friends Karen and Ken Bowden, our Bishop Ab Jenkins, our home teacher Nick Aste and our son Mark and his children Logan and Peyton were all there.  It was a very spiritual experience for us.  President Schimpf gave us a wonderful blessing.  He said that the Lord would help us with the language and it would become like music to our ears.  He also blessed us that we would grow to love the Philippine people; which I am sure we will.  I guess we are now officially full time missionaries.   He also blessed me that I need not worry about mother.  The Lord will bless her and things will work out for the best.

Tomorrow we start back to SLC.  We will go as far as St. George where we plan to go to the Temple in the evening and then travel the rest of the way on Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear more! Happy birthday Nancy!! Deann
